What is Just Money?

This course explores banks that use finance as a tool to address social and ecological challenges.

This course is for anyone who wants to understand the unique role banks play as intermediaries in our economy and how they can leverage that position to produce positive social, environmental, and economic change.

The instructors of this course have worked for over 10 years with just banks from around the world, as well as in the fields of community development, economic democracy, and social change.

No previous knowledge of finance or banking is needed to take this course.

Why Join Just Money?

People join Just Money for different reasons. Some participants work in just banks and are seeking to broaden or deepen their connections to the field as a whole. Others are interested in starting or collaborating with just banks.

Many participants are not bankers, but are interested in better understanding what their money does and how banks can be a force for positive change.

Just Money is an online-offline course: How does that work?

The course is offered on the edX platform as a self-paced MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).

One way to make the course more active and impactful is to participate in or host a hub. Hubs allow you to connect with other Just Money participants in your city/sector/organization to experience the course together. This is a unique opportunity to learn together, develop connections, or even address a particular challenge you are dealing with.

In the next chapters you will find more info about what a hub is and what it takes to organize one.

Important Dates - Spring 2019

  • 30 April, 2019 - Course registration opens on edX

  • 28 May, 2019 - Just Money course launches

  • 16 September, 2019 - Just Money course closes

You can register for Just Money here.

Please remind all hub members to register as well.

Last updated